My media publications:
1.How to tolerate uncertainty in your life
2.Constantly worried about your health? Learn about health anxiety
3.How To Effectively Cope With Entrepreneurship Setbacks
4.Five ways being more assertive will change your life
5. 7 strategies that will make you more resilient
6.Six powerful strategies to cope with stress
7. How to have a supportive talk with a loved one.
8. 6 Ways To Become A More Resilient Entrepreneur
9. How to break free from feeling lonely
My scientific publications thus far:
1) Galor, S., & Hentschel, U. (2013). PTSD and Depression Among Combat and Noncombat Israeli Veterans.Military Behavioral Health, 1(2), 159-166.
2) Galor, S. & Hentschel, U. (2013). El uso de los mecanismos de defensa como herramientas de afrontamiento por veteranos israelíes deprimidos y con TEPT. Subjetividad y procesos cognitivos, 17(1), 118-133.
3) Galor, S., & Hentschel, U. (2012). Problem Solving Tendencies, Coping Styles and Self-Efficacy Among Israeli Veterans Diagnosed with PTSD and Depression. Journal of Loss and Trauma: International Perspectives on Stress & Coping,17,6, 522-535.
4) Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Uwe Hentschel and Dr. Sharon Galor. (2008).The relationship of diagnostic groups with the computerized Gottschalk-Gleser Scales using different prompts” . In Gottschalk, L & Bechtel R.J. Computerized content analysis of speech and verbal texts and its many application“.New York: Nova Science Publishers.
5) Galor, S., & Hentschel, U. (2009). Analysis of suicidal behaviour in Israeli veterans and terror victims with PTSD by using the computerised Gottschalk-Gleser scales. Clinical psychologist, 13, 3, 102-110.